Money, Money, Money…

Hi guys, just a short one today.

Over time you will come to realise that of Meghann and myself, Meg is the super creative one.


Somebody once said to me, if you ever employ somebody to do something, make sure they are better at it than you. That of course makes sense, you want to pay somebody to bring added value to your team.

Now I don’t employ Meghann, we are partners, but since we started Skinny Pig, what has become obvious is that it’s very important to play on your strengths and take a step back if somebody is better at something than you. That is why I let Meg do the creative bits now and she lets me do the bits I am stronger at…it works well that way.

Anyway, I wanted to share this with you because I wanted to show you something Meghann did which is just brilliant. It is a floor of 2p coins in resin which she put down in her office. How fabulous does this look.

I just take my hat off to people like her who think outside the box. Here I am agonising over wood or carpet, striped or plain and Meg dives in with a floor full of coins. Bloody genius!

I won’t say I don’t know where she gets it from. Her mum Sheila was a brilliantly creative lady and even redesigned the cockerel for Cornflakes back in the day, how amazing is that!!!

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Jazzy Wallpaper


Keeping it real, or faking it?