A picture wall to suit you…

In my opinion (this isn’t to say my opinion is gospel BTW) there are two ways of creating a picture wall… matchy matchy and the throw everything at it approach.

Firstly let me explain the differences.

A matchy matchy style normally has the same frames, but different. They are normally of one style and colour palette, they may be hung uniformly and more often than not the spaces in between are measured in mm fine detail. The pictures within them may also be of the same colour or style. Everything needs to be just so, otherwise the effect is lost.

The throw everything at it style is a more eclectic approach, the frames don’t match, the spacing is uneven and wonky and the pictures are a combination of styles and colours.

This is definitely my preferred style at the moment. Lets be clear, my design preferences morf and change all the time so what I may like this week could be out the window next week when I realise it has become too mainstream!

Picture wall.jpg

My picture wall is made up of pictures of the children, us, our parents and a couple of pictures I happened to like. The bulldog canvas is an original which I bought from a back street in Austria some years ago when me and my mum went to the Christmas markets (that’s a whole other story). I absolutely love it and am determined to get back there and get myself another one if I can remember the street (we had a few too many gluhweins) and she is still there.

You may choose one style over the other for a multitude of reasons, I previously had matchy matchy in my new build house because everything was geometric, I had stripey carpets and white walls and it just worked. In my cottage everything is wonky and not only that but I have accumulated a mix of frames and pictures which I want to have on display and I don’t have that many useable walls, so this option works. I also have two small children and neither had the time nor inclination to do battle with them at the same time as a ruler and spirit level.

The truth is both styles work, one needs a bit more thought than the other but choose a style that suits you and please share your results on our Instagram page to inspire us! Every idea is inspired by something else we have seen and so it’s so lovely to see what other people have done.


“To be bold, or not to be bold?”